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12 Large 440ml Cans of 1552

We’ve taken an exquisite selection of some of the finest English hops to create a superb flavoured Amber Ale, with a delicate toffee taste, a sweet floral aroma and some deliciously divine fruity notes.

This is the perfect beer for hopheads and discovery drinkers alike. 1552 captures the essence of smooth perfection fit for the king.


Why 1552 you may ask?

In 1552 King Edward VI visited the site of the brewery and sat beneath the Remedy Oak tree and touched for the King’s Evil’. ‘Touching for the King’s Evil’ was once a common practice of magic medicine. The King’s Evil was scrofula, or scurvy, which was supposedly cured if the victim was touched by the reigning monarch. The King lightly touched the sufferer on the face while a chaplain read a verse from St. Mark:  ‘They shall lay hands on the sick and they recover.’

ALC 4.2% Vol
For allergens see bold items in ingredients list

12 Large 440ml Cans of 1552

SKU: 364215376135191
  • Malted barley, WHEAT, WATER AND HOPS

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